House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says Democrats will “strive for bipartisanship” when they take over the majority next year after wresting control of the House in Tuesday’s midterm elections. (Nov. 7)
Author: AP, AP
Sessions Exit Ends Stormy Trump Relationship
The departure of Jeff Sessions as attorney general marks the end of a stormy relationship with President Donald Trump, which began with the pair as campaign allies and ended as administration adversaries. (Nov. 7)
Who inspires Little Mix?
British pop act Little Mix, who have just released single “Woman Like Me,” talk about the women that inspire them. (Nov. 7)
Zara Larsson’s sex education classes
Swedish pop star Zara Larsson, who’s currently fronting a new campaign from Durex and AIDS organization (RED) promoting sexual health awareness and raising money for HIV treatment in South Africa, says pupils at her school first started learning about sex in sixth grade. (Nov. 7)
Georgia Governor Candidates: votes left to count
Georgia’s hotly contested and potentially historic governor’s race may not be over yet, with Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp awaiting the final accounting of absentee and provisional ballots. (Nov. 7)
Voters sending a record number of women to House
A record number of women were elected to the House on Tuesday, nearly two years after women spilled out into the streets of Washington and in cities across the country in defiance of the inauguration of President Donald Trump. (Nov. 7)
Pelosi: ‘tomorrow is a new day in America’
The Democrats appeared close to taking back the House on Tuesday in a victory that could slap a check on President Donald Trump’s agenda over the next two years and lead to a multitude of investigations into his business dealings and his administration. (Nov. 6)
Bernie Sanders wins third term as Vermont senator
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was re-elected to a third term in office on Tuesday. In his acceptance speech, Sanders railed against the Republican party and President Donald Trump. (Nov. 6)
Michael Douglas celebrates 50 years in Hollywood
Michael Douglas celebrates a milestone at emotional Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony, joined by his wife, son and 101-year-old father Kirk Douglas. (Nov. 6)
Kirstjen Nielsen says US ready for cybersecurity trouble
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsensays cybersecurity officials are ready to respond to any kind of problem in the midterm election, although they’re hoping for the best. (Nov. 6)