Apple customers with an iPhone 12 or 13 have one more option for fixing a broken smartphone: They can fix it themselves using Self Service Repair.
Author: Brett Molina, USA TODAY
You might get money from a TikTok class action suit: Talking Tech podcast
You might get money from a TikTok class action suit: Talking Tech podcast
Would you buy a $10,000 Xbox? Talking Tech podcast
Would you buy a $10,000 Xbox? Talking Tech podcast
Xbox turns 20: The 10 biggest moments in the video game console’s history
On Monday, the Xbox marks its 20th anniversary since launching in 2001. Here’s a look back at the top 10 biggest moments for the video game console.
You can play Halo Infinite right now. How to download the game’s multiplayer mode
Halo Infinite, the upcoming action game for the Xbox Series X and S, is available to play early through a multiplayer beta launched Monday.
New deals on Nintendo Switch: Talking Tech podcast
New deals on Nintendo Switch: Talking Tech podcast
Save money on gas with your smartphone: Talking Tech podcast
Save money on gas with your smartphone: Talking Tech podcast
Limited edition Xbox Series X bundle from Gucci to sell for $10,000
Gucci will offer a version of the Xbox Series X adorned with the fashion house’s unique designs on its website Nov. 17. It costs $10,000.
Robot orders by companies surge as labor shortages linger
Orders in North America for robots are reaching record numbers as the U.S. economy continues to slog through a labor shortage fueled by the pandemic.
Verizon sells the PlayStation 5 now: Talking Tech podcast
Verizon sells the PlayStation 5 now: Talking Tech podcast