The Kyoto Animation killing left 34 dead, but it didn’t have much impact because we don’t pay attention to mass killings without guns. We should.
Author: James Alan Fox, Opinion columnist
Media amplifies New Zealand shooting suspect’s ‘manifesto,’ giving mass killers a platform
A mass killer doesn’t want to be remembered as just some nut. Coverage of their personal writings and so-called ‘manifestos’ indulge that delusion.
Military-style guards with guns in schools across the nation wouldn’t protect students
Even after Parkland, Santa Fe shootings, military-style guards don’t make sense for schools. They’ll create an environment of fear more than safety.
‘No names or photos’ won’t stop mass shooters, but we shouldn’t humanize them with details
Names and faces are not the problem, but the excessive and often irrelevant details about the killers and their writings unnecessarily humanizes them.