How does Facebook target me? Facebook learns all about us through location services, hidden trackers and every time we click “like” and “share.”
Author: Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY
Google Assistant to read web pages aloud on some devices
New Google Assistant feature is godsend for people driving, who want to have articles read to them, or for people with vision impairment.
PayPal, passwords and Wi-Fi: 11 tips for better digital security
Email phishing is the biggest concern. Just ask Barbara Corcoran of ABC’s Shark Tank. And now we have to worry about fake audio too. Some tips.
Sports fans: YouTube TV set to lose Fox Regional Sports, YES Network on Feb. 29
The rising costs of sports fees are the culprit in the YouTube TV dispute. Sinclair, which owns the networks, also had issues with Dish and fubo.TV.
It’s not just phishing emails, now we have to worry about fake calls, too
Security pro showed how easy it is to clone voices of President Trump and Facebook’s Zuckerberg with things they didn’t say.
Email still beats texts – for hackers phishing for your data
Hackers love email as a way to steal your data. Don’t click links without double checking them, and make phone calls to confirm validity, experts say.
Email still beats texts – for hackers phishing for your data
Hackers love email as a way to steal your data. Don’t click links without double checking them, and make phone calls to confirm validity, experts say.
Email still beats texts – for hackers phishing for your data
Hackers love email as a way to steal your data. Don’t click links without double checking them, and make phone calls to confirm validity, experts say.
RSA: from the convention floor of the security conference
Scenes from the RSA conference in San Francisco
Amazon Go Grocery: What it means for consumers and possibly employees
Amazon has been experimenting with cameras in place of checkers and baggers, speeding things up for consumers. Some critics warn of the broader impact.