Video creator Mark Rober tweeted Thursday that he had removed portions of the video after learning they were staged. The device itself and some of the reactions it captured were still legitimate, he said.
Breaking News & Events
Video creator Mark Rober tweeted Thursday that he had removed portions of the video after learning they were staged. The device itself and some of the reactions it captured were still legitimate, he said.
Experts have published various warnings about holiday-related injuries, which have included some pretty specific(and surprising)details.
London-based EnviroBuild has paid $25,000 to name the anphibian Dermophis donaldtrumpi. The business likened the blind animal to Donald Trump.
An emotional tale of kindness: An elderly man left his two-year-old neighbor years of Christmas presents, which were delivered days after his death.
On Saturday, images of John Kelly appearing to looktired, exasperated and stressed began resurfacing on social media.
Michael Ray McLellan, 34, is facingmurder, forcible rape, kidnapping and other charges in connection with the disappearance of13-year-old Hania Noelia Aguilar from Lumberton, North Carolina.
​​​​​​​The U.S. Secret Service tweeted a tribute to the late George H.W. Bush as the agency concluded its final …
The principalofManchester Elementary School – located near Omaha, Nebraska – sent her staff a memo outlining specific steps educators were expected to take during the holiday season to remain “inclusive and culturally sensitive….
Ohio State University is temporarily hosting a bacon vending machine as a fundraiserthrough Dec. 13. The machine sells cooked bacon strips and bacon bits for $1.
New Jersey-based Tris Pharma, Inc. said there is a”remote possibility” an increased amount ofibuprofen could lead topermanent kidney injury in infants.